Dear Parents and Carers

We are delighted to be holding our annual FREE Halloween event this year at the Zebras Hub in Enfield on Saturday 26th October 2024, we can’t wait to see you!

About The Halloween Event

Parents/Carers/guardians must ensure that they remain with their child during the session including accompanying your own child only to the toilet facilities. Please note that Zebras Children and Adults Charity is not responsible for children outside their booked time, they should therefore arrive and depart at the appropriate times.

Zebras Children and Adults Charity cannot take responsibility for any damaged clothing and/or personal items during any activities. Therefore, please ensure your child does not have anything on them that should remain dry and protected or that could be easily damaged. Childrens jewellery items should be removed or covered appropriately for your child’s safety.

The Zebras Hub has CCTV in operation at all times. CCTV records images plus sound, this is to keep you safe and members of staff and volunteers safe too. By signing this form, you are agreeing that you are happy to take part in the Halloween activity and to be on CCTV.

If you would like more information or have any questions, please email us at .